Blog Posts

Bottle reminders for Daycare using Home Assistant and Node-RED

TL DR: The code is at the bottom of the page if you rather just import into Node-RED instead of following this guide I have / had a bad habit of forgetting bottles at home for my now 1 year old in the morning while bringing my 1 year old and 3 year old to daycare. This of course was not an issue for my wife. Part of the problem I ran into was that my wife’s job is hybrid

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Create simple, actionable notifications with Home Assistant using Node-RED and the Home Assistant Companion App

What are actionable notifications? Actionable notifications are notifications that are sent to your device (in this case, Android or Apple IOS) that allow you to perform an action if a condition is met. For example, maybe you and your family are away from the house for 10 minutes, and you want to be notified if a door is left open? Or perhaps you want to set your alarm system on when you leave your house? Another example: I have a

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